People often misconceive what level of work their horse is in. Below is a table breaking down workload to give you a better idea of what level your horse is currently at.
Feeding cannot change your horse’s natural temperament and behaviour, however feeding the wrong product can exaggerate excitable behaviour or may encourage laziness.
Providing the right type of energy is key to enhancing your horse’s performance and minimising unwanted behaviour. The energy provided by horse feed is categorised into two different types: fast releasing and slow releasing.
Fast releasing energy is provided by grains such as maize and oats, which are high in starch and release energy quickly when they are digested. This type of energy is required for short bursts of power and acceleration and can sometimes help to give a laid-back horse a bit more ‘pep’.
Slow releasing energy is provided by fibre and oil as the rate of digestion is much slower. This provides sustained fuel for stamina work and helps to minimise excitability in ‘fizzy’ horses. It can also be used to encourage weight gain.